Awesome job on lab B Rockstars!
Even though I wasn’t able to see everyone teach there lab B I was still very impressed with how much improvement I did see with just five of you teaching. Some great things that I noticed was that your hooks were very creative, I really enjoyed how Kim incorporated the history of jump roping, and how they used to use vines which added into her grapevine skill. Also everyone’s voice was loud and clear and made it easy for the class to hear the instructions that were being given. The pinpointing was great as well! By using pinpointing it gives your class another demonstration on how the skill is supposed to look. Also when pinpointing a student it makes that student feel good about themselves because they are doing something correct. Make sure before you pinpoint your student that you let them know in advance.
There are some things that still need a little work, but its okay it teaching comes with practice. Remember that it is your lesson and you can run it the way you want, you don’t have to go right down the list of the C9 form right in order, you can mix things up. Just try and make sure you get everything in. Also like what was said in class on Friday when you see or hear the one minute signal don’t wrap things up right away. A class wrap up only takes about 20 seconds so you still have 40 seconds where your students can be working on their task.
Keep up the good work!
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