I have recently played two games on the internet that are great for kids. It teaches them about good nutrition and what is bad for you. These are the types of games that we need to introduce to our youth because with the drastic obesity rate in the United States if we don't make a change it could get worse.

The first game that I played was Lunch Crunch 2 (
http://www.playnormous.com/games/lunch-crunch-2 ). If I had to rate this game out of 10 i would give it an 8. The concept to the game was great. You have t take the unhealthy foods off the trays and replace them with healthy foods before time runs out. This is great for ids because maybe it will stimulate some sort of response in the lunch room at school. Maybe instead of grabbing for the chips they grab an apple instead. i didn't give the game a full ten because I don't know how exciting the game really is and it kind of gets repetitive. All together I think it was a great game but maybe needs some more excitement in it. the message it send s though is awesome for kids and could lead to healthier lifestyles.

The second game that I played was Pyramid Pile Up Plus (
http://www.playnormous.com/games/pyramid-pileup-plus). this also was a great game for kids and really sends a great message. This game you need to put the foods in the right categories and it even gives you nutrition labels to show what is good and what isn't. Then you need to place the foods into the correct categories. If i had to rank this game out of ten I would give it a 10/10. I ranked this game so high because I enjoyed playing it and it gave you different levels to the game. After the first level which was easy it gradually gets harder and harder giving a real challenge to the game, and without a challenge games get boring. This was the better of the two games because it keeps you on your toes and sends a great message.
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