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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sherman's Final, parts 1B and 1C

Part 1B
1.      The website is from Toronto, ON Canada. The school is located in South Saskatoon, Canada. There is another school later on in the film that is located in Naperville Chicago, USA.
2.      I found this news piece to be extremely interesting. I am actually doing my honors thesis paper on how physical activity improves cognitive ability. So I was very intrigued by the new facts I acquired such as, Nero genesis-growing new brain cells. There is nothing out there that they know of that can do it better than exercise. It affects behavior as well, allowing people to be sharper, more attentive, and less distracted. So a child with ADHD which largely benefit from simple daily exercise. They had great support to back this up with too. Naperville high school for instance incorporates a lot of fitness and movement in the class room. And in the world competition for math a science they came out on top! I also learned that raising the heart rate, turned on the front part of the brain that has to do with controlling impulses, which is why exercise is so great for managing behavior in class.
3.      We probably don’t hear anything about the PE teachers in this program, because they were probably just the standard PE program that most everyone is used to. The old style of PE, which is why it became so beneficial to incorporate movement into the classroom. If physical educators got in on it too, in using other subjects in their class as well, it would create such a strong overall cognitive ability. When I become a physical educator, I will make sure that students will constantly be working out the mind and body. That as well as including the affective domain is the best way to go.
4.      The outcomes of this program seemed very beneficial. That most students were able to go up a whole grade, which is significant since they started off at about a grade 4. This did not surprise me, there research seemed very strong, and I found their evidence to be powerful. This idea has been something I have always believed in, and I have felt that I personally have reaped the benefits of this same concept. These outcomes are similar to the NYS standards. For example, this program definitely met with learning standard 1a and 1b. Allowing the students to become competent and perform basic motor skills and I am sure in doing so they were able to attain the knowledge in creating their own fitness plan for their individual needs. Standard 2 was met, because using this program has allowed the students to manage their behavioral issues. They improved their social behavior while in the program using physical activity. Standard 3 I am glad to say was met as well. Yes, the equipment was donated their school but the students seemed knowledgeable in how to get good physical exercise outside of the classroom. In the final interview at the end the teacher had explained how some students were able to convince their parents to go on walks around the neighborhood, etc. That is great, how the students were able to transfer the information they learned in the class room, to real life and outside situations. Demonstrating the ability to continue in lifelong fitness.
5.      BDNF is a nuero growth factor. It’s like miracle growth for the brain. Its helps preserve the brain cells, makes them stronger and more pliable. Overall making your brain more effective. Something that becomes very present with continuous aerobic activity such as running, walking, swimming, or jumping rope. One book that supports these findings and was mentioned in the clip was called Spark, by Dr. John Ratey. Another book that supports these ideas is called The Kinesthetic Classroom, by Traci Lengel and Mike Kuczala.

Part 1 C
There are many different activity categories one can be proficient or competent in. Such categories include, team passing, net/wall, target, striking fielding, aquatics, dance and aesthetic, outdoor, personal performance, and fitness. With such a wide variety of activities students should be able to find ones that peak their interest and inspire them. Although it should seam simple to get students involved and active at least at a regent’s level (6+3 across 3), not many schools are run this way. With the old style of PE very much alive, schools and faculty are slacking when it comes to the ruling of being competent in 6, proficient in 3, across 3 categories. One school I researched even stated on their site that students in grades 11 and 12 may be except from PE if they are in a sport at the time! That is definitely not meeting the physical education regent’s level. Without taking the physical education class, how are they learning the wide variety of other possible skills. Also how much are these students learning about creating a personal fitness plan. This is NYS learning standard 1b, but I am doubting this school that considers sports to be there PE class includes that aspect either.  In order to achieve a mandatory regent’s level, as opposed to the recommended regent’s level, schools are going to have to step it up a notch. Out with the old and in with the new style of PE. In today’s world physical education should be fun, innovative, creative, and exciting. I believe that the percent of students that should be passing phys education at a regent’s level by commencement should be at 90%. I feel that this is a very ideal number, easily attainable yet somewhat challenging. With a new and improved physical education system out there all students should be aiming to achieve a passing level for both standards 1a and 1b. By creating our lessons to be in this new light, students will be able to see and understand the importance of physical education. By doing this, more people will be growing up knowing how to lead a happy and healthy lifestyle.

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