Stay in Touch

Monday, May 5, 2014

#opheaPLAY Photo each day for Month of May

Join PE, Health and Fitness professionals around the world to celebrate OPHEA & National Sport and PE month and tweet a picture that goes along with each daily theme with the hashtag #opheaPLAY. Here are my Tweeted photos so far...

1. Enjoyment
2. Physical Activity
3. Equipment
4. Sports
5. Territory
6. Motion
7. Manipulation
8. Play
9. Target
10. Mental Health
11. Fun
12. Spirit
13. Stability
14. Communication
15. Relationships
16. Personal Safety
17. Jump
18. Dance
19. Bounce
20. Gravity
21. Physical Fitness
22. Locomotion
23. Critical Thinking
24. Internet Safety
26. Healthy Choices
27. Run
28. Relaxation
29. Healthy Eating
30. Striking/Fielding
31. Healthy School/Workplace

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