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Friday, July 15, 2011

BlogLevel & TweetLevel

What's your TweetLevel & BlogLevel? Using Edelman's twitter and blog assessment tools here are my stats.

Tweet detailed analysis:

Your Influence score - You are a Twitter superstar. In your segment, you have a huge number of followers who find what you are saying interesting. As Spiderman said, "with great power comes great responsibility". Carry on tweeting and sharing your opinions – people like what you have to say. If you score goes down though, it is because you are not engaging with your community but merely broadcasting your opinions – solve this by responding to individuals.Your Popularity score - Your popularity score is excellent but can easily get better. This number is solely based on how many followers you have. Many Twitter measurement tools purely rank people according to this metric, however just because someone is popular doesn't mean they are influential. To increase your popularity you will need to follow more people, post regular and interesting content, time your posts to peak times, follow trends and add hashtags to make it easier for people to find your tweets.Your Engagement score - Your engagement score is OK but could be better. You understand that even though influence is important, to many people how you engage is what counts. You don’t need to be movie star to score high in this critical category as it is your participation within niche communities that count. Take more time talking to individuals, make your posts easier to find by including hashtags and enjoy the conversation.Your Trust score - Your trust score is pretty good but could be better. TheEdelman Trust Barometer states that 77% of people refused to buy products or services from a company they distrusted. It is trust that makes someone act – for this reason alone, having a high trust score is considered by many to be more important than any other category. Trust can be measured by the number of times someone is happy to associate what you have said through them – in other words, how often you are retweeted. To increase your trust score you will need to create more interesting and informative posts that will give your followers a reason to retweet what you have said.

Blog detailed analysis:
Your influence score - Your score is low because your blog is not a well-read resource for the community you wish to be part of. To increase your score you will need to reach out to more people and encourage them listen to your views, engage in conversations via comments, make more informed and regular posts and focus more on understanding your audience to ensure your posts are something that they want to read. 

Your popularity score - Your score is quite low but it is easy to improve. Look at getting the basics right first – have you made it easy for people to subscribe to your blog? Do you have RSS easily noticeable? Do you publicise your content on other social media channels like Twitter and Facebook? Many blog measurement tools purely rank people according to the number and authority of recent inbound blog links but BlogLevel also takes into account how your amplification through other social media channels. Other ways to improve this score is to be a more recognised participant in the area you are specialising in – make sure you link to and comment on other blogs. Finally SEO plays a significant role in your popularity – if your post is not found then it makes no difference how good the content is – make sure you tag what you publish, have text not number titles in your post address and include multimedia (Flickr, YouTube for example) – this has the added benefit of making your posts more dynamic and interesting. 

Your engagement score - Your engagement score could be better. One of the key differentiators of a blog is that (most of the time) it allows people to engage in two way dialogue about a subject. How much does your blog encourage people to comment on what you say and do you respond back? Getting the basics right to improve your engagement score is easy to provided you know your audience - make you know them, write for them, talk to them, read their thoughts and comments and reply individually. Twitter is also an important factor as people often discuss the views of a blog within this media – take advantage of multiple channels and promote and engage in conversations about your posts within this space too. 

Your trust score - Within the blogging world your site is somewhat of a secret. The Edelman Trust Barometer states that 77% of people refused to buy products or services from a company they distrusted. It is trust that makes someone act – for this reason alone, having a high trust score is considered by many to be more important than any other category. To improve your score you need to create interest about yourself – people like to see ‘behind the scenes’ and your blog is a chance to demonstrate your experience and expertise. Remember that Pulp Fiction rule: ‘personality goes a long way’ so ensure your ‘About’ page tells a little history about your blog and also includes contact details. Blog etiquette demands a few rules to improve your trust score – give credit and correctly link where it is due, include a relevant blogroll and make it easy for people to get access to your updates via RSS, twitter syndication and email updates.
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