Stay in Touch

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Students First

A new organization Students First,  created by Michelle Rhee (former chancellor of DC city schools), seeks to emphasize quality student learning through commitment, passion and growth within the teaching profession as well as in society.  

Points to Ponder (P2P)
What will this mean for you as teachers to be or for those teachers already in the system?
Are you threatened or do you embrace this opportunity and call for change?

Led by Michelle Rhee, the former Chancellor of D.C. Public Schools, StudentsFirst formed in 2010 in response to an increasing demand for a better education system in America. Our grassroots movement is designed to mobilize parents, teachers, students, administrators, and citizens throughout country, and to channel their energy to produce meaningful results on both the local and national level. United For Children Advocacy is doing business as "StudentsFirst: a movement to transform public education" and is a 501(c)4 organization based in Washington, D.C.

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