There's one thing that you as a phys ed major should be constantly working on throughout your cortland lifetime, and that is your portfolio. Although you still have some time before the finished product is due, there are a few things you should make sure you keep a hold of. You're notebook should be tabbed off into the following sections: resume, philosophy, standards 1-6, certification, and professional development.
Resume and philosophy (you will do these in EDU 470) is pretty much self explanatory.
Click here to see more information about setting up your paper and electronic portfolios!
In the standards section you will have to have a total of 12 artifacts and reflections total (2 per each standard). Some artifacts that you may already have done are EXS coursework and PED 201 labs, FitnessGram results, personal fitness logs, and athletic performance evidence. You may use these mainly in the first two standards. Some artifacts that you will complete in the near future include EDU 255 scope and sequence charts, lab D analysis form, resource project and EDU 256 bulletin board and host teacher evaluations. Of coarse these are only examples, if you can come up with other artifacts that meet the standard requirements go right ahead, the more unique the better.
Click here to see more information about setting up your paper and electronic portfolios!
In the standards section you will have to have a total of 12 artifacts and reflections total (2 per each standard). Some artifacts that you may already have done are EXS coursework and PED 201 labs, FitnessGram results, personal fitness logs, and athletic performance evidence. You may use these mainly in the first two standards. Some artifacts that you will complete in the near future include EDU 255 scope and sequence charts, lab D analysis form, resource project and EDU 256 bulletin board and host teacher evaluations. Of coarse these are only examples, if you can come up with other artifacts that meet the standard requirements go right ahead, the more unique the better.
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