Stay in Touch

Friday, September 17, 2010

Great Expectations Met in Lab A2 (255)

It was quite a performance by everyone today in the Lab A2 performances.  You were all more confident in your presentations and lesson content and even though some of you didn't get through all of your material that's ok.  It's always better to be over-prepared than not prepared at all.
Other general group comments:

  • We saw some innovative hooks (see Andy's below) and signals of attention (see Tony's below)
  • Great demos and explanations.  Showed in real motion and broken down as well as common mistakes 
  • Good to use "When I say go....."
  • Walked around and gave feedback
  • Much better enthusiasm
  • Voices were louder in general
  • Most times your back was to the wall
  • Great checking for understanding at the end of your micro-teaching lesson


  1. Be sure to grab the embed code of your video
  2. Write a basic reflection on how things went.  What went well and what do you need to still work on.  If you feel ready you can also use your C9 form to list the things you achieved and what you still need to work on.  If you're uncertain about some terms, please see the PPT on our Rockstar PE Wiki
  3. Grab and post at least one photo from our album (already 300+ photos) on you blog.  Be sure to also download Picasa (free for PC & Mac).  When you're viewing the online album, only use the download button to grab individual pics or download the entire album.  DO NOT "right-click" and "Save image as..." - that will only grab a very small thumbnail.  Whenever you post anything, be sure to include an image or video that reflects what you are trying to communicate.  

Things to work on next time:

  • More specific feedback
  • Don't forget about allowing students to choose their own level of difficulty (teaching by invitation)
  • More individual feedback
  • Change the task for skill levels (intratask variation)
  • Make sure you increase the volume of your gym voices. If you can't be heard.......
  • Circulate more to get to all students
  • Bring posters and visual aids to help your students learn (TA's will bring some examples of exemplary visual aids)
Thanks again for a great demonstration of what you have learned in such a short-span and we all look forward to more great teaching and learning in PE.

1 comment:

swex said...

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