As I've already mentioned our department philosophy is to prepare teachers to make a difference. In doing so we will guide and inspire you to help your students in the process of becoming physically educated and healthy for a lifetime.

(Thanks Nicole S for the vid)
This presentation is to serve as information for you as you continue through our program. Please read through it and understand the ramifications and qualifications required to graduate with a B.S. in Education: Major Physical Education from SUNY Cortland and Teaching Certificate from the NYS Dept. of Ed.
Class Homework Instructions
New Rockstar PE Teacher Candidates
Part 1: Blogs
Great a Gmail account that sounds professional and that which you can use when you leave Cortland. Try to avoid using names with numbers Better suggestions include:,,,, Even though you all have access to Gmail through the campus, it is way easier to have your own Gmail address as you will soon leave Cortland and with that your e-mail account will expire. Other Google applications will also be easier if you use your own Gmail.
Getting started with Blogspot
Blogspot offers an easy way to collaborate, discuss, or share your thoughts with others.
This guide can help you familiarize yourself with the main features of Blogspot and get started writing your own blog. To start using Blogspot, simply sign in with your Google Account. (If you use Gmail, Google Groups, you already have an account.) If you don't have a Google Account yet, you can create one now at
Create a blog
- To get started with Blogger, visit the Blogspot homepage (, enter your username and password, and click Sign in. Enter a display name and accept Blogger's Terms of Service. Then click the Create a Blog link and get started!- Pick a name and address (URL) for your blog. You can always change the blog’s name at a later date. Just let me know if you do. Then, choose your favorite template (this is how your blog will look when you publish it). Now get creative, add information to your personal profile, and customize how your blog looks, if you feel up to it. Start blogging now!
- Write and publish your first post so that it activates the account and includes your initial reactions to creating a blog and what you did over the Break to make yourself a better teacher and to help your students learn more effectively. our first class and what I had you do.
- Once you’ve created your Gmail and a Blog (, please e-mail me your Gmail account and the URL (e.g. of your blog to
- Go to our RockstarPE blog ( and press the “Folllow” button on our blog. (See screenshot-------------------------à
Part 2: Social Media
1. Create a Twitter account ( ). You may also want to download other Twitter apps for your mobile phones and computers (most are free). I use and Seesmic.
2. Follow at least the following people: @syangman, @helenabaert, @Befitt, @phys_educator @ExergameFitness, @ActiveGamer,
3. One you have started following the above people, send at least 3 tweets from last semester that relates to your work, volunteer, coaching, or sport experiences and that promote quality PE and healthy lifestyles.
E.g. “Great SuperHero lab with Invisi-Girl "
E.g. “Superheros to the rescue video”
4. Join the SUNY Cortland PE Forever Facebook Group (
Post at least 3 items to the Wall, Photos or Videos from last semester/summer that relates to your work, volunteer, coaching, or sport experiences and that promote quality PE and healthy lifestyles.
Let's rock the Web World. Go Rockstars!
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