Stay in Touch

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jenna Monahan- part 1b

1. The first school is in South Saskatoon, Canada and the second school is in Chicago.
2. I found this to be interesting because it shows how one can benefit from being physically active. Physical activity has show to increase one’s cognitive abilities; this was demonstrated by increased test scores after students performing workouts. Physical education is extremely important and should be more highly regarded because the physical activity done in the physical education class increases student performance in other subject areas. School districts should adapt this program as part of their own physical education program so that their program includes both physical and mental aspects of health.
3. Most schools are not advocates of “good” physical education. Students being educated now in the area of physical education are part of the new wave of physical education: good physical education. This new wave requires physical educators to do more than roll out the ball and give 100’s to students who change for class. A math teacher at this school incorporated the 20 minutes vigorous workout to improve students test scores because the physical education teachers at the school probably do not teach good physical education. If the students are not receiving good physical education, people will find no need to have physical education as a requirement. If schools are teaching good physical education, students will benefit by improving their health and increasing their cognitive ability in other subject areas.
4. Students will benefit greatly from this program. Learning through the physical can allow the student to have an increased transfer of learning into other subject areas. Integrating a fitness program such as a 45 minute workout everyday and the integration of gross motor movements in the classroom will allow schools to increase students levels of physical fitness, increase physical activity and decrease obesity all while improving a student’s focus in the classroom and improving test scores. The outcomes of this fitness program meet the New York State physical education standards. Standard 1, personal health and fitness, is achieved because students are improving their health by decreasing their risk of obesity and increasing their physical fitness levels by participating in physical activity. Standard 2, safe and healthy environment, is achieved through this program because the teachers are involved in leading vigorous workouts for the students. Improving the student’s health is achieved in a safe environment, the school. Getting the students energy out by a vigorous workout will increase classroom productivity because the students will be more focused and there will be a decrease in hostility. Standard 3, resource management, is achieved through this program by providing students opportunities outside of the classroom to be involved in physical activity. The teacher can discuss places for students to go to work out or participate in physical activity outside of the school. The school providing a workout facility for students to use after the school day and on the weekends gives students an opportunity to exercise on their own.
5. BDNF is a protein released during aerobic activity. Brain function can be improved by this chemical because when it is released, nerve cells are strengthened. Twenty minutes of physical activity where the heart rate is between 65-75% is required for the nerve cells to be strengthened. A benefit of increased brain function is that the student can be more focused. Two key books that support this include Dr. John Ratey’s Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain and an article called Exercise Enhances Learning.

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