Stay in Touch

Friday, May 14, 2010

Daily Burn Murphy

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
My initial impression on daily burn was that it was really incredible. The software does almost everything for you. Too bad it can’t exercise and eat for us too. I like the way it creates workouts for us and tracks our info with graphical images. The charts make tracking info allot easier. I don’t and haven’t ever used any other online nutrition tracker before. Honestly this isn’t something I would want to use in my free time. I think that if I had a certain goal in mind that using this software would be helpful however I don’t have time or interest to jump on the computer and insert all the information.
This would be very helpful in tracking info. With the future revolving around advances in technology the daily burn page could be a great way for students to track their nutrition and physical activity. The web page actually would do allot of the work for the students. With the students personal information put in the students could have individual workouts lined up for them and see in detail the effects of their training and the food they chose to eat. The stress on the students to develop a personal fitness plan would be far less having this technology.
A couple of tools that I would like to use to track info to comply with learning standard one would be heart rate monitors as well as pedometers. The pedometers would be very cost efficient and would provide evidence for student’s effort and activity in the classroom. By posting the info on posters students might become motivated to perform better and have more involvement in class. The pedometers could start competition amongst students. Heart rate monitors would be excellent evidence to show that students were working their hearts at a target zone during my lessons.

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